Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 26th
Saturday, October 25th
Camryn and her pumpkin that she picked all by herself
Clayton is proud of his pumpkin; he was very careful in choosing just the right one.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday, Oct. 23rd
At ease Soldier!!!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday, October 18th
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13th
Today was a normal Monday back at work. When we got home, we found daddy at the grill making dinner. He is doing such a great job of having dinner ready for us when we get home. The kids played outside for awhile. Then it was bathtime and homework time. Camryn is starting to get into barbies and princesses now. (Big sigh from mommy). She got her first barbie over the weekend and also got a big fleece princess blanket. She takes it to daycare now, along with her pink baby blankie she carries around, her pacifier (yes, still), and now she insists on wearing jackets all of the time. She is becoming quite the little tattletale. She tells on her friends at daycare, on her brothers constantly, and even the dog!!!! Clayton is finally going to school without a big fuss. And Christian is as outgoing as ever. I DO see where three's a crowd though. Since Camryn is getting big enough to play with them, there is always one person that is getting left out. Funny story: Every Friday night, we have family night. We stay up a little later, watch movies, and just play games together. A couple of Fridays ago, mommy went out with some friends. Mommy got home late, so the kids were already aleep. The next morning, Clayton told mommy that we would have to have family night on Saturday this time, because mommy "didn't show up". I guess mommy didn't know how important it really was to the kids to have these special nights.