Thursday, August 13, 2009

Last week of summer and 1st day of school

This week we went to the zoo, and Gattiland. Christian didn't want to go to the zoo with us (he says he's too old for it???). But he was all about Gattiland. Today was the first day of school and the kids did great. Scott and I have a staff meeting tonight so papaw Fred is taking Christian to football practice. That's about all to report for now.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, Ausgust 9th



the last time this uniform will be this clean

This is Camryn last weekend on the way home from the lake. I wish I could say that she only did this for awhile, but she actually did this for a couple of hours. We didn't know it at the time, but she had a double ear infection.

This morning Christian had his first football game. He got to play in the last few minutes. We beat the other team 21 - 7. Go Fairdale!!!!!!! After the game we headed to Taylorsville Lake with our boat. We had a much better time this weekend (see pics of Camryn). We had a great time tubing and even ran into some friends there that mommy and daddy used to hang out with years ago. It was nice to see them again. Ironically, they also have two school age boys and a little girl. We were all pretty tired by the time we got home from the lake, so we all took showers and then relaxed.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

These are pictures of the last couple of weeks.

Clayton's friend, Tyler, across the street came over to play today since we were home from work and school.
Camryn hard at work coloring (her favorite thing to do nowadays)

Today the daycare was closed and school was closed so we enjoyed our snow day. Clayton only played for a few minutes then ran across the street to a friend's house. Christian is excercising his big brother duties and pulling Camryn around in the sled.

Now it's mommy's turn to pull Camryn in the sled. When does mommy get a turn??

It took mommy 20 minutes to get Cammie dressed in all of this stuff for a total of 10 minutes playtime in the snow. She said, "I don't like the snow mommy, I go play in the house."

Christian's 9th birthday party at Skateworld last weekend.

Christian and his friend, Max, enjoying the party.

Everyone is busy helping mommy serve the kiddos pizza and cake. (Karla in the front, Aunt Kim in the green, and Michele (Max's mom with the baby)

The whole skating rink singing happy birthday to Christian and another little boy who was having a party.

Camryn all dressed up for church on Sunday morning.

My three precious treasures.