Saturday, November 29, 2008


Uncle Jamie and Aunt Becky
Clayton is circling the things he wants in the Big Toys R Us book

Mamaw Patty and Clayton

Camryn and cousin Katie

Camryn plays with these every time we go to Mamaw Patty's house

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Today at noon we went to mamaw Patty's and papaw Bill's. It was a pretty day so the kids played outside most of the time. Then we headed out to aunt Christie's for yet another meal. We had a great Thanksgiving Day with all of our family and the kids were on their very best behavior. It is alot easier now to go from place to place now that they are getting older and can do without naps. What great things to be thankful for; three beautiful, healthy, usually well-behaved children, and a husband that is always seeking God's will for our life. I am truly blessed!!!!

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