Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 25th

Today after church, we came home, changed clothes, and ate lunch. We then headed out to daycare to take care of a few things. Then we went to Walmart to get some fishing stuff. My sister had a cookout at her house today and they have a pond stocked full of fish, so we were going to try our luck at fishing again since we enjoyed it so much yesterday. Once again the kids had a blast running around outside, fishing, and playing on the swingset. This time mommy only caught one fish, daddy caught two, and Christian caught a couple. After everyone ate, all of the kids and Uncle Chad were playing football when Christian and Clayton bumped into each other. Clayton managed to come out with no injury, but Christian got a busted lip. Today Camryn said a new word. In Sunday school this morning, she pointed at Shepard when he came in and said his name clear as a bell. She's getting so big. She wanted nothing to do with me all day today b/c Amber was around. I have hired Amber, my niece, to b-sit the kids a couple of days a week until the daycare gets going.

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