Monday, July 21, 2008

Sunday, July 20th

Today after church, we had yet another birthday party for Camryn. This time the guests were Scott's family. And Kat and Julia Callihan. We swam and had cupcakes that were arranged in the shapes of flowers. Camryn got alot more stuff. She got some dress up clothes that she really likes. She was so worn out after all of the guests left that she crashed on the couch with cousin Amber. Christian and Amber left around 8:00 with Mamaw Mary to go to Grandma Cook's old house and clean out some stuff for junk day. They worked hard and got a little compensation for it. Christian is trying to earn some money for a Nintendo DS. He is doing odd jobs for the daycare and at home and for Mamaw and Papaw. He is a little over halfway there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha..camryn mustve been tired..=]]