Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday, July 30th

Playing with his DS
This morning mommy did some cleaning up around the house. Then mommy took the kids to Game Stop to get Nintendo DS. Christian and Clayton traded their game boys and some of their games so that they could each get a Nintendo DS. They owed a little bit of money even after the trade, but Christian has been working around the house and the daycare and at mamaw's to earn his money. Clayton saves all of his money, so he already had it. They were thrilled with their new purchases. This afternoon while Camryn takes her nap, mommy is going to work on her licensing process and do some more housework. The video below is when mommy walked into the kitchen and found that Camryn had written all over her table with chalk. And the funny part is that she was soooo proud of herself for "coloring".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh come on Christian..all the little baby wants is to have fun=]]

and tell Camryn that that was some beautiful coloring=]]
